BoatTEST is known for its reviews and commentary of new boats, yachts and trawlers. Recently Captain Steve of BoatTEST stepped aboard our 2022 Helmsman Trawlers® 43E Pilothouse to give ‘er the TEST. The results are in…both of the 43E Performance and Features videos are now available on the website. Just toggle to Helmsman Trawlers on the “Any Manufacturer” tab – press the GO button – select a video – hit play. Have your popcorn ready!
For your convenience a direct link (click on the image), is provided below.

If you are looking for more information about Helmsman Trawlers go to our ABOUT HELMSMAN TRAWLERS page.
If you are wanting information about each of the models go to our MODELS page.
If you are wanting to talk Helmsman Trawlers give us a call! 206 282 0110